7 vragen aan... Peter Burke, schrijver van Ignorance

31 januari 2023
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Peter Burke is een Engelse cultuurhistoricus, hij wordt gezien als een van de belangrijkste historici van de renaissance. Nu in onze boekhandels: zijn nieuwe boek Ignorance, een uiterst originele geschiedenis van onwetendheid door de eeuwen heen. Zijn we echt slimmer dan onze voorouders? ‘Ignorance might seem to be a pressing contemporary problem but, as this dazzling, comprehensive book shows, it has many pasts. Only Peter Burke could have written such a deliciously knowledgeable history of ignorance.’, zegt historicus David Armitage over het boek. We stelden Burke een zevental vragen, hij beantwoordde ze in het Engels. Een tipje van de sluier: zijn favoriete Nederlandse woord is 'uitsmijter'.

N.B. Lees ook een fragment uit Ignorance.

Who is your favourite Dutch author?

Johan Huizinga.

What do you like best about Athenaeum Bookstore?

I love Athenaeum bookstore because it offers books in at least 4 languages, sometimes before they are officially published in the attractive location of Het Spui where it is easy to find a cafe and begin reading the book I just bought.

What is your favourite Dutch word?


When you were little, what did you think you'd be when you grew up?

When I was 7, I told my mother that I wanted to be a professor of history

What was the first book you ever read?

The first book I remember reading was a mainly picture-book called Quipic the Hedgehog, but the first ‘real’ book, again when I was about 7, was Tolkien’s Hobbit.

What book do you force upon your friends?

A book I strongly recommend to friends is Miklós Bánffy’s Transylvanian trilogy

Could you pinpoint the moment you decided to start writing this book?

I decided to write the book on ignorance when several heads of state either denied that Covid was a threat or recommended ineffective remedies.

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