Walter Scott Prize voor Simon Mawer

21 juni 2016
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De Walter Scott Prize 2016 gaat naar Simon Mawer voor zijn roman Tightrope. Dat maakte de organisatie dit weekend bekend.

'Honouring the achievements of the founding father of the historical novel, the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction is one of the most prestigious literary prizes in the world.' En een van de weinig die slechts dit genre bekroont. De afgelopen jaren werden John Spurling (2015, The Ten Thousand Things), Robert Harris (2014, An Officer and a Spy), Tan Twan Eng (2013, The Garden of Evening Mists), Sebastian Barry (2012, On Canaan’s Side) en Hilary Mantel (2010: Wolf Hall) bekroond.

De jury:

Tightrope is a spy story in the grand tradition, sweeping the reader irresistibly into the harrowing life of a secret agent in World War Two. Impeccably researched, it perfectly inhabits its time and place. It is a worthy winner of the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction.’

Dit was de shortlist:

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