Shortlist Women's Prize for non-fiction 2024

28 maart 2024
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De shortlist voor de eerste Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction is bekend: Laura Cumming, Naomi Klein, Noreen Masud, Tiya Miles, Madhumita Murgia en Safiya Sinclair maken kans!

De jury over de shortlist:

‘Our magnificent shortlist is made up of six powerful, impressive books that are characterised by the brilliance and beauty of their writing and which each offer a unique, original perspective. The readers of these books will never see the world – be it through art, history, landscape, politics, religion or technology – the same again.’

Dit is de shortlist, waarvan vijf titels ook in Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar zijn:

De Women's Prize for Non-fiction is het zusje van de Women's Prize for Fiction, en bekroont 'exceptional narrative non-fiction by women. The Prize promotes excellence in writing, robust research, original narrative voices and accessibility, showcasing women’s expertise across a range of fields'. In 2024 wordt de prijs voor het eerst uitgereikt; de winnaar wint £30,000.

Shortlist Women's Prize for non-fiction 2024

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